The receiver of the files is specified by typing his/her login id. If you don't know the login id of the receiver, type finger, space, followed by the name of the receiver. For example, typing finger polly would give information, including login name, for all users named "polly", and finger polly@genie would give information, including login name, for all users named "polly" on the machine "genie". If the user you were interested in sending files to had the login name "pam" you could send her files using the command:
This command will send the two files to pam.
The -i flag is used when the user wishes to interactively specify their own message to be appended to the mail sent to the receiver.
The second form of the command is used to receive the files awaiting delivery in the spool directory. The user is shown what files are available and asked if he/she wants to accept delivery. If the user accepts delivery, all of the files are moved into the current directory.
The third form of the command simply tells the user if there are any files waiting.